Letters & Communications
Highland Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc.,  P.O. Box 796,  Saint Rose, LA 70087
Highland Oaks Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 796
Saint Rose, Louisiana 70087
President’s Report
January 10, 2015

Greetings Fellow Homeowners,

             On August 23, 2014, the Highland Oaks Homeowners Association (HOHOA) held our 2014 Annual Membership Meeting.  The attendance was not sufficient to constitute a required quorum as necessary for conducting business.  A make-up meeting was held on September 20, 2014. This meeting was also lightly attended, So In accordance with the By-Laws, those present were deemed to be a quorum. 

The Board discussed the functions of the Architectural Review Committee and the Covenants & Restrictions Compliance Committee.  The Treasurer reported finances (Please visit the HOHOA www site to review a copy of the PowerPoint presented at the membership meeting). Then as final business, the HOHOA held an election of officers; Paul Brauninger, Wendy Carter, and Chris McNeil were reelected we also welcome back Charlie “Chuck” Martinez who was elected to the Board.
Our next monthly Board meeting was held on October 6th, the new Board elected its new officers.  I am pleased to introduce the 2014-2015 HOHOA Board 

Chuck Martinez, President
Chris Mcneil, Vice-President
Wendy Carter, Treasurer
Chad Bonura, Secretary
Paul Brauninger, Director of Maintenance

Departing Board Members and future Members
The Board wishes to thank Ralph Scheid for his work and contributions from 2012 through 2014.  Ralph has offered to remain involved in an informal “Past President” support capacity.  Along with Del Barns who served in the past, he still remains to be a great asset to the board and our community.
Please know all board members are fellow residents and neighbors.  Should you desire to serve our community by becoming a board member, please attend our annual meeting and put your name in for a vote!  We encourage participation, questions and comments.

2014/2015 Achievements & Objectives
As you may have noticed the HOHOA Board has addressed the front broken irrigation system by completely replacing it with a new system. The existing system had too many issues to repair; a vote was made by the board to replace both entrances with a new system. Also, we are pleased to let you know another vote was made to replace the existing landscape lighting with a new cost effective LED lighting system.
             We are currently working on addressing the pothole issues at both entrances. We are also look-ing into the culverts on the East & West ends of the subdivision. Throughout the year we will continue to improve the landscaping at both entrances.   

The Board and committee will continue to enforce covenant and restriction enforcement, with primary issues of inappropriate parking of trailers and RVs, commercial logoed vehicles and over-sized commercial vehicles along with overnight parking on the streets. Please review the covenants and re-strictions that we have all agreed to when we bought our homes here in Highland Oaks Subdivision, These rules were provided at Act of Sale, and are also available on our HOHOA www site.

To help create relationships with our neighbors and encourage greater community support and       attendance to our meetings, the 2015 Annual HOA Meeting will be held within the subdivision at our green space area in conjunction with a neighborhood Meet & Greet event. This new format will incur HOHOA expenses for tent rental, and refreshments.  We hope that this investment will ensure success.

Income and Collection of Unpaid Dues
Please be aware our association’s dues are mandatory and enforceable by law.  The dues pay for the business of the subdivision mailings, insurance, utilities, maintaining common areas, and for capital improvement/repair projects. Be assured that our service is strictly voluntary; no salaries are paid to the Board, Officers, or committee members. Most Association members continue to pay their dues in a timely fashion, our By-laws and Covenants mandate that when dues are in arrears the Board will take collection actions, such as filing liens and if arrears are not paid, a lawsuit will be filed. It is not our wish to have to take action on fellow neighbors, as we were all made aware prior to moving into our subdivision that we would all be under these HOA rules and regulations. This is beneficial to all who choose to live here.
Dues may be paid through Pay pal and please know that you can save $25.00 should you pay for the year in advance. Instead of $300.00 broken down in quarterly payments of $75.00, you can pay $275.00  for the year.

As your HOHOA Board, we will continue to support our Association’s standards and needs. We look forward to any questions or comments you may have.


Charlie Martinez

P.S. Thanks to Chris Mcneil, we now have a Facebook page if you wish to look up and Participate by sharing post and comments or ideas.