
General Membership Meeting 
​The HOA’s Annual Meeting, where we hold board elections and conduct general business, is scheduled for Saturday, October 10, 2020, 11:00 A.M in the Water Tower Lot. If we don't have a quorum present (at least half of the homes represented), then we will hold the meeting on Saturday, October 17th, 2020, 11:00 A.M., same location.

If you are unable to make the Annual Meeting, the following is the proxy form in order to nominate or elect officers.  Please give to a current board member.

A homeowner must be in good standing to nominate or elect anyone, "good standing" defined as being current on membership dues, or adhering to an agreed upon back-payment plan.

This info will also be in the 4th Quarter board letter, mailed out in a few days.

HOA Board Meetings  

Each month as scheuled. Meetings are open. As these meetings area held in Board member homes, a meeting may need to be rescheduled to a larger venue to accommodate additional attendees.

Your Board
About You
Photo Gallery

Highland Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc.,  P.O. Box 796,  Saint Rose, LA 70087
Upcoming HOA Meetings & Events
Highland Oaks Homeowners Association 
P.O. Box 796
Saint Rose, Louisiana 70087