The HOA is tasked with addressing legitimate violations of the subdivision covenants and restrictions. Association member's must post comlaints in writing. Use of this web page is our preferred method. All complaints will be carefully reviewed and appropriate actions will be taken.
The identity of the complaining member will not be disclosed unless required by law or the Association By-Laws. Members who post complaints should be aware that the details of the complaint become part of the Association records and, accordingly, are subject to being read by other members in certain circumstances.
Most legitimate complaints will result in a letter or email being sent to the offending homeowner. The complaining member should not expect follow-up communication from the Association. Complaints that are submitted with one or more fields left blank will not be reviewed or acted upon.
Need to Submit a Complaint?
Highland Oaks Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 796
Saint Rose, Louisiana 70087
Highland Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc., P.O. Box 796, Saint Rose, LA 70087